Posty WordPress Theme Documentation

Theme developed by ThemeDox

Thank you for your purchase!

We would like to thank you for purchasing Posty! We are very pleased that you have chosen Posty for your Modern Clean Mgazine & Blog website, you will not be disappointed! Before you get started, please be sure to always search our Documentation. We outline all kinds of good information, and provide you with all the details you need to use our theme.

How to install WordPress#back to top

Check out below video tutorial to install WordPress on your localhost. If you don’t know how to setup WordPress on the server/hosting. Please contact me on the Support system to get the installation service.

If you need to setup WordPress on the Live server/hosting Please watch this small video

Hosting recommendation#back to top

We recommend you to use Bluehost hosting to host your sites based on our themes.

Bluehost WordPress hosting is one of the most popular WordPress hosting trusted by millions of customers all over the world. Founded in 1996, it is reputable and serving for more than 850,000 WordPress websites. Besides, there are many blogs and websites recommend BlueHost WordPress hosting. However, is it really trusted? The answer is definitely YES.

Our company used Bluehost for building sites for our clients for years, this is why we can recommend this beautiful hosting for everyone. Bluehost provide excellent customer support, live chat, and reliability, that every serious product needs. This is “All in one” Unlimited CPanel hosting for very cheap price.

How to Install Theme #back to top

Watch WordPress Theme Installation simple process

Theme installation

  1. Make sure that you have the latest version of Wordpress installed.
  2. You can upload Postyto Wordpress in one of two different ways:
    • Extract the and upload the extracted posty folder to the /wp-content/themes/ directory on your FTP server.
    • OR go to Appearance > Themes, then:
      1. Click the Add New button at the top.
      2. Click the Upload Theme button at the top.
      3. Click Choose File and select the file.
      4. Click Install Now.
      5. Once it is finished installing, click on the Activate link.
  3. After you upload the theme, activate it by going to Appearance > Themes and place your mouse over Posty and click the Activate button underneath.

Plugins installation

Before start working with our theme you need to install required and recommended plugins that come with our theme package.

Here the list of required plugins

  • Elementor Page Builder
  • Posty Extra
  • Mailchimp
  • Contact Form 7
  • Flexy Breadcrumb
  • My Favorites
  • AccessPress Social Counter
  • One Click Demo Import

You can install these plugins in admin panel -> Plugins.

  1. Go to Appearance -> Install Plugins
  2. Check all plugins you want (required plugins are important for theme to work)
  3. Choose install and click Apply
  4. Wait untill all plugins will be installed

One-Click Demo data import

Our theme has included One-click demo data import feature. This sample data contains menus, sample pages, posts and images. Your site will looks exactly as our demo site if you import sample demo data. We are strongly recommend you to import Dummy Data when you use our theme first time.

You can import all theme demo content with one click (posts, pages, products, categories, menus, sample images, sliders, plugins configurations).

  1. Go to Appearance > Import Demo Data then click Import Demo Data to install.
  2. When the importing process finishes you need to go to Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks then click Save to update the permalink structure

If you don't imported dummy data you must create theme pages, menus, widgets and configure theme settings manually.

Theme Options #back to top

You could Import Demo Theme Options panels from theme included Options text file.It is divided in 2 Easy Steps.

STEP 01: You Will Find the theme-options settings in text file named posty-options.txt. Open this, Copy Code and

STEP 02: Go To Admin -> Posty Theme Options-> Bottom Backup Tab Paste in Admin Panel Import Box. Then Save.

You can manage all Theme Settings & Options from WordPress dashboard. Go to Appearance > Dashboard > Theme Option to access all theme settings sections. Posty Option panel is Easy, lighweight and friendly to use. You can easily setup necessary parts of Your Blog or magazine website.

General Tab: You can enable/disable Theme Loader and back to top Arrow.

Header Tab: You can control Header Navigation Style, Header Top bar, Header Social Option, search icon On/off, Breaking News etc.

Site Logo Tab: Uplod Theme Logo from Options. This logo will overwrite Customizer>Site Identity uploaded logo

Page & Templates: You can edit settings of Your Blog, Single Blog & category Pages. You can set individual layout for Each category & post. Control meta infos easily with clean switching Option.

Typography Settings: You could set Body & Heading Font from 1000+ Google Fonts collection.

Footer Tab: Copyright Text Settings.

Homepage setup#back to top

This theme allow you to have two types of homepage:

1) Blog page is your homepage - with theme blocks (and optional blog block).
You will not have additional separate blog page with just posts listing.

2) Homepage is a special static page - with theme blocks (and optional blog block).
You can have additional separate blog page with just posts listing, without theme blocks.

How to configure Blog page as homepage:

  1. Go to Settings > Reading
  2. Make sure that you have Your latest posts option selected for Front page displays (you will see your blog on homepage):

  3. Adjust how many posts you want to show on homepage:

  4. Click Save settings.

How to configure Static page as homepage:

  1. Go to Pages > Add new and create new empty page with name "Home".
    Select "Homepage" template for this page in "Page attributes" section:

    Do not change other page settings - it will not be applied to this special system page.
  2. Go to Pages > Add new and create new empty page with name "Blog".
  3. Go to Settings > Reading
  4. Select your Home page as Front page and your Blog page as Posts page.

  5. Adjust how many posts you want to show on blog page:

  6. Click Save settings.

Check next documentation section to understand how to build your homepage with homepage theme blocks.

Elementor Widgets Or Blocks #back to top

To start working with Elementor, go to the WordPress dashboard. Then, add a new page by clicking on Pages > Add New. Then, create a new page and save it with the ‘full width’ template or home page template and then click on the ‘Edit with Elementor’ button.

Theme Slider

A widget that allows you to display Slider with a list of Trending or latest Posts. This widget is designed specifically for the home page top banner part

Blog Post Grid

A widget that allows you to display post grid with a list of Trending or latest Posts. This widget is designed specifically for the home page blocks

Category List

A Ctaegory image list tos how site categories with Counter.

Video Post Block

A widget that allows you to display video list of website Posts. This widget is designed specifically for video posts with popup video play features.

Post Grid Slider

A widget that displays a list of posts similar to the Blog section of your homepage. You can display posts in rows, or in a grid with 3 or 4 columns. You can use this widget to display latest posts pr posts via a Tag/Category. This widget is designed specifically for the Homepage Widget Area.

Posts management #back to top

You can manage blog posts and categories in Posts section inside WordPress dashboard.

Blog Single Settings

You can select Single Blog layout and with or without sidebar option.

Post Categories

In this theme you can assign images and colors for your Posts categories. Categories images used on Categories (Archives) pages for category title display and Categories homepage block. Categories colors used everywhere on site for categories badges in posts.

Plugins Management #back to top

Posty Extra

This is theme essential plugin. We integrate some custom widgets in this plugin. You will be recommended to activate it in theme installation time. If You dont want to us eit, It's Ok. You can use other blocks from Elememntor and build Your website manually.

MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress

This plugin helps you grow your Mailchimp lists and write better newsletters through various methods. You can create good looking opt-in forms or integrate with any existing form on your site, like your comment, contact or checkout form.

We integrate sidebar subscribe form for our theme. You can modify it easily and use it from both elementor and in widget areas of Your Blog.

This theme have 2 menu areas. Header Main menu Header and footer menu. Main Menu supports submenus.

Menu locations

You need to set what menus where will be display (you don't need to do this if you used One-Click demo data import feature):

  1. Go to Appearance > Menus.
  2. Open Manage Locations tab.
  3. Select/create menu Main Menu for Main Menu .
    Select/create menu Footer Menu for Footer Menu.
  4. You can manage menu settings and styles in Appearance > Theme Settings > Navigation
  5. Save changes.

Widgets management #back to top

This theme have Main Blog Sidebar & 6 Footer widgets sidebars where you can add widgets

Display Accespress Social Widget.

Display Posts categories with background image and posts count.

Translating theme#back to top

This theme is translation ready. You can translate it By 2 Ways:

Manual theme translation

We included POT files for translation with theme:

  • /wp-content/themes/posty/languages/ - main theme translations

Translation with theme translation manager

Read this help article about WordPress translations using Loco Translate plugin.

Support#back to top

Please remember you have purchased a very affordable theme and you have not paid for a full-time web design agency. Occasionally we will help with small tweaks, but these requests will be put on a lower priority due to their nature. Support is also 100% optional and we provide it for your connivence, so please be patient, polite and respectful.

Please visit our profile page  Ask question through Support Desk.